John Munka



















John M. Munka

Financial Consultant

John Munka has been helping retirees face their financial challenges for over 25 years.  From solid investment strategies to Social Security planning and integration, John consistently applies a disciplined, conservative approach for those who desire a dependable financial future.  By applying a focused discipline, clients are assured an extremely high standard of consistent, honest and respectful service that John and his staff demand of themselves.

John earned a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from The University of Akron in 1982.  Before starting Munka & Risher in 1994, he established himself with such companies as Coopers & Lybrand, Shearson Lehman Brothers and Paine Webber.

John works closely with your other professionals in legal and accounting to help provide a seamless, unified investment focus and is a frequent speaker at educational workshops and other forums throughout Northeast Ohio.